Respiratory system

The respiratory system's function is to allow gas exchange through all parts of the body. The space between the alveoli and the capillaries, the anatomy or structure of the exchange system, and the precise physiological uses of the exchanged gases vary depending on organism. In humans and other mammals, for example, the anatomical features of the respiratory system include airways, lungs, and the respiratory muscles. Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveolar region of the lungs.

Other animals, such as insects, have respiratory systems with very simple anatomical features, and in amphibians even the skin plays a vital role in gas exchange. Plants also have respiratory systems but the directionality of gas exchange can be opposite to that in animals. The respiratory system in plants also includes anatomical features such as holes on the undersides of leaves known as stomata.


The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract—a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus—and other organs that help the body break down and absorb food (see figure). Organs that make up the digestive tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine—also called the colon—rectum, and anus. Inside these hollow organs is a lining called the mucosa. In the mouth, stomach, and small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food. The digestive tract also contains a layer of smooth muscle that helps break down food and move it along the tract.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

abarticulation n.

the dislocation of a joint.

abasa n.

an inability to walk for which no physical cause can be identify.

abdomen n.

the part of the body cavity below the chest.

abduct vb.

To move a limb or ant other part away from the middle of the body.

aberrrant adj.


abiotrophy n.

degeneration or loss of function without apparent cause.

ablation n.

the removal of tissue, a part of the body or an abnormal growth.

abortion n.

the expulsion or removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus at a stage of pregnancy.

abrasion n.

a graze.

abreaction n.

the release of strong emotion associated with buried memory.

abutment n.

a component of a dental bridge or implant.

acantha n.

a spine projecting from a vertebra.

acapnia n.

a condition in which there is an abnormally low concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood

acaricide n.

any chemical agent used for destroying mites and ticks.

accident n.

a traumatic incident involving any part of the body.

acentric n.

a chromosome or fragment of a chromosome that has no centromere.

aceton n.

an organic compound that is an intermediate in many bacterial fermentation and is produced by fatty acid oxidation.

acholia n.

absence or deficiency of bile secretion or failure of the bile to enter the alimentary canal.

achylia n.

absence of secretion.

acidosis n.

a condition in which the acidity of body fluids and tissue is abnormally high.

acne n.

a common inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands.

acrosome n.

the caplike structure on the front end of a spermatozoon.

acrosome n.

the caplike structure on the front end of a spermatozoon.

actomyosin n.

a protein complex formed in muscle between actin and myosis during the process of contraction.

acute adj.

describing a disease of rapid onset severe symptoms and brief duration.

adaptation n.

the phenomenon in which a sense organ show a gradually diminishing response to continuous or repetitive stimulation.

addiction n.

a state dependence produced by the habitual taking of drug.

adduct vb.

To move a limb or any other part towards the middle of the body.

adenitis n.

inflammation of a gland or group of structure.

adenoids n.

the collection of lymphatic tissue at the rear of the nose.

adipohere n.

a waxlike s substance consisting mainly of fatty acids into which the soft tissue of the body can be converted after death.

aditus n.

an anatomical opening or passage.

adnexa n.

adjoining part.

adrenergic adj.

describing nerve fibres that release noradrenaline as a neurotransmitter.

advancement n.

the detachment by surgery of a muscle musculocutaneous flap or tendon from its normal attachment site and its reattachment at more advanced.

aerobe n.

any organism especially a microbe that requires the presence of tree oxygen for life and growth.

aerobic adj.

of or relating to aerobes.

aerophagy n.

the swallowing of air .

aetiology n.

the study or science of the causes of disease.

affect n.

the predominat emotion in a persons mental state.

afterpains n.

pains caused contractions uterine childbirth.

agenesis n.

absence of an organ usually due to total failure of its development in the embryo.

agglutinin n.

an antibody that brings about the agglutination of bacteria blood cells or other antigenic particles.

agonist n.

a muscle whose active contraction causes movement of a part of the part of the body.

agraphia n.

an acquired inability to write although the strength and coordination of the hand remain normal.

air bed n.

a bed with a mattress whose upper surface is perforated with thousands of holes through which air is forced under pressure.

akinesia n.

a loss of normal muscular tonicity or responsiveness.

alactasia n.

absence or deficiency of the enzyme lactase which is essential for the digestion of milk sugar

alastrim n.

a mild form of smallpox causing only a sparse rash and low grade fever.

albinism n.

the inherited absence of pigmentation in the skin hair and eye resulting in white hair and pink skin and eye.

albino n.

an individual lacking the normal body pigment.

albumin n.

a protein that is soluble in water and coagulated by heat.

albumose n.

substance intermediate between albumin and peptones produced during the digestion of proteins by pepsin and other endopeptidases.

alcohol n.

any of a class of organic compounds formed when a hydroxyl group.

alcoholism n.

the syndrome due to physical dependence on alcohol such that sudden deprivation may cause withdrawal symptoms.

aldosteronism n.

overproduction of adosterone one of the hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex leading to abnormalities in the amount of sodium potassium and water in the body.

alexia n.

an acquired inability to read.

algesimeter n.

a piece of equipment for determining the sensitivity of the skin to various touch stimuli especially those causing pain.

algid adj.


algorithm n.

a sequential set of instruments used in calculator or solving problem.

alkaloid n.

one of a diverse group of nitrogen containing substances that are produced by plants and have potent effects on body function.

allantois n.

the membranous sac that develops as an outgrowth of the embryonic hinfout.

allergy n.

a discover in which the body becomes hypersensitive to particular antigens.

alopecia n

absence of hair from areas where it normally grows.

alteplase n.

a tissue type plasminogen activator made by recombinant DNA technology.

alveolus n.

a blind ended air sac of microscopic size.

amelia n.

congenital total absence of the arms or legs due to a developments defect.

amnesia n.

total or partial loss of memory following physical injury.

amoeba n.

any protozoan of jelly like consistency and irregular and constantly changing shape.

amoxicillin n.

an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by a wide range of bacteria and other maroorganisms

anaerobic adj.

of or relating to anaerobes

anaesthesia n.

loss of feeling or sensation in part or all of the body.

anal adj.

of relating to or affecting the anus.

analysis n.

any means of understanding processes or experiences.

anatomy n.

the study of the structure of living organisms.

anergy n.

lack of response to a specific antigen or allergen.

angiitis n.

a patchy inflammation of the walls of small blood vessels.

angle n.


ankle n.

the hinge joint between the leg and the foot.

anomaly n.

any deviation from the normal especially a congenital or development defect.

anoplasty n.

a surgical technique used to repair a weak or injured anal sphincter.

anosmia n.

absence of the sense of smell.

ansa n.

a loop

antacid n.

a drug that neutralized the hydrochloric acid secreted in the digestive juices of the stomach.

anterior adj.

desgribing or relating to the front portion of the body or limbs.

antibacterial adj.

describing an antibiotic that is active againts bacteria.

antibiotic n.

substance produced by or derived from a microorganisms.

antifungi adj.

describing a drug that kills or inactives fungi and is used to treat fungal infections.

anus n.

the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which the faeces are discgarged.

anxiety n.

generalized pervasive fear.

aorta n.

the main artery of the body, from which all others derive.

aortography n.

x-ray examination of the aorta, in which a series of images is taken during the injection of radiopague contrast medium.

apex n.

the tip or summit of an organ.

aplasia n.

total or partial failure of development of an organ or tissue.

apotreptic adj.

dscribing response prevention therapy for obsessional neusis.

appestat n.

a region in the brain that controls the amount of food intake.

apposition n.

state pf two structure such as parts of the body being in close contact.

aprosexia n.

inability to fix the attention on any subject due to poor eyesight defective hearing or mental weakness.

aqueduct n.

a canal containing fluid.

arachnidism n.

poisoning from the bite of aspider.

arbor n.

a treelike structure.

arch prefix

first primitive.

argasidae n.

see tick.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

arginine n.

an amino acid that plays an important role in the formation of urea by the liver.

arousal n.

a state of alertness and of high responsiveness to stimuli.

arteriectomy n.

surgical excision of an artery or apart of an artery.

arteritis n.

an inflammatory disease that affects the muscular walls of the arteries.

artery n.

a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart.

arthralgia n.

severe pain in a joint without swelling or other signs of arthritis.

arthrectomy n.

surgical excision of a joint.

arthiris n.

inflammation of one or more joints characterized by swelling warmth redness of the overlying skin pain and restriction of motion.

arthrodesis n.

artificial ankylosis.

arthrography n.

an x-ray imaging technique examining joints.

arthroplasty n.

a surgical remodeling of a diseased joint

arthrostomy n.

a procedure to enable a temporary opening to be made into a joint cavity.

articulation n.

the point or type of contract between two bones.

arytenoidectomy n.

surgical excision of the arytenoid cartilage of the larynx in the treatment of paralysis of the vocal folds.

asbestosis n.

a lung disease.

asepsis n.

the complete absence of bacteria fungi, viruses or other microorganisms that could cause disease.

aspiration n.

the withdrawal of fluid from the body by means of suction using an instrument called an aspiration.

aspirin n.

a widely used rug that relieves pain and also reduced inflammation and fever.

assimilation n.

the process by which food substances are taken into the cells of the body after they have been digested and absorbed.

asthenia n.

weakness or loss of strength.

asthma n.

the condition of subjects with widespread narrowing of the bronchial airways which changes in severity over short.

astringent n.

a drug that causes cells to shrink by precipitating proteins from their surfaces.

asymptomatic adj.

not showing any symptoms of disease whether disease is present or not

atavism n.

the phenomenon in which an individual has a character or disease known to have occurred in a remote ancestor but not in his parents

ateleiosis n.

failure of sexual development owing to lack of pituitary hormones.

atlas n.

the first cervical vertebra by means of which the skull is articulated to the backbone.

atopen n.

any substance responsible for atopy.

atresia n.

congenital absence or abnormal narrowing of a body opening.

atrium n.

either of he two upper chamber of the heart.

attachment n.

the process of developing the first close selective relationship of a child life most commonly with the mother.

attrition n.

the wearing of tooth surface by the action of opposing teeth.

audiogram n.

the graphic record of a test to hearing carried out on an audiometer.

auditory adj.

relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing.

auricle n.

a small pouch in the wall of each atrium of the heart.

auriscope n.

an apparatus for examining the eardrum and the passage leading to it from the ear.

autolysis n.

the descruction of tissue or cells brought about by the actions of their own enzymes.

autopsy n.

dissection and examination of a body after death in order to determine that cause of death or the presence of disease processes.

autoscopy n.

the experience of seeing one's whole body as though from a vantage point some distance away.

autosome n.

any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome and occurs in pairs in diploids cells

autotrophic adj.

describing organisms known as autotrophs.

avascular adj

lacking blood vessels or having a poor blood supply.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

avitaminosis n.

the condition caused by lack of a vitamin.

avulsion n.

the tearing of forcible separation of part of a structure.

axilla n.

the armpit

axis n.

a real or imaginary line through the centre of the body or one of its parts or a line about which the body or a part rotates.

axon n.

a nerve fibre

axoplasm n.

the semifluids material of which the axon of a nerve cell is composed.

azatadine n.

an antihistamine drug usedf to treat hay fever urticaria itching and strings.

azelaic acis n.

an antibacterial drug applied externally as a cream in the treatment of acne.

azelastine n.

an antihistamine drug administered as a meterd-dose nasal spray for the treatment of hay fever and as eyedrops to treat allergic conjuctivitis.

baby blues n.

a colloquial name for the fleeting misery and tearfulness that affects about half of all pregnant woman having their firdt baby.

bacillus n.

any rod shaped bacterium.

backbone n.

a flexible bony column extending from the base of the skull to the small of the back.

bacteria n.

a group of microorganisms all of which lack a distinct nuclear membrane.

bacteriology n.

the science concerned with the study of bacteria.

bacterium n.

see bacteria.

bacteroides n.

a genus of gram negative mostly nomolite anaerobic rodlikee bacteria.

bagolini lens n.

a lens with fine parallel lines across its width used in various vision tests.

balanitis n.

inflammation of the glans penis usually associated with tightness of the foreskin.

baldness n.

see alopecia

ballon n.

an inflammation plastic cylinder of variable size that is mounted on a thin tube and used for dilating narrow areas in blood vessels.

ballotement n.

the technique of examining fluid-filled part of the body to defect a floating object.

bandage n.

a piece of material in the form of a pad or strip applied a wound or used to bind around an injured or disease part of the body.

barbiturism n.

addiction to drugs of the barbiturate group.

baritosis n.

a lung disease

barotitis n.

disease of the ear caused by changing air pressure as experienced during air travel.

bartonella n.

a genus of parasitic rod shaped or rouded microorganisms usually regarded as rickettsiae.

basion n.

the midpoint of the anterior border of the large hole.

bat ears n.

protuberent external ears as a result of the absence of the antihelical fold in the pinna.

behaviourism n.

an approach to psychology postulating that only observable behaviour need be studied.

belly n.

the abdomen or abdomenal cavity.

bends n.

see compressed air illness.

benign adj.

describing a tumour that does not invade and destroy the tissue in which it originates or spread to distant sites in the body.

benserazide n.

a drug that prevents the breakdown of levodopa to dopamine outside the brain by inhibiting the enzyme dopa decarboxylase.

benzocaine n.

a local anaesthetic used in the form of an ointment , or aerosol to relieve painful conditions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

berylliosis n.

poisoning by berylium or itss compounds either by inhalation or by skin contamination.

betatron n.

a deice used to accelerate a stream of elections

bezoar n.

a mass of swallowed foreign materia within the stomach.

biconcave adj.

having a hollowed surface on both side

bicuspid adj.

having two cusp as in the premolar teeth and the mitral valve of the heart.

bifid adj.

split or cleft into ntwo parts.

bile nb.

a thick alkaline fluids that is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder.

biliary adj.

relating to or affeting the bile duct or bile.

biliuria n.

the presence of bile in the urine.

binaural adj.

relating to or involving the use of the bone ears.

binocular adj.

relating or involving the use of the eyes.

biochemistry n.

the study of the chemical processes and substances occuring in living things.

biology n.

the study of living organisms and microorganisms including their structure and function and their relationships with one another and with the inanimate world.

bionics n.

the science of mechanical or electronic systems that function in the same way as or have characteristics of living organisms.

biopsy n.

the removal of a small piece of living tissue from an organ or part of the body for microscopic examination.

birth n.

see labour.

birthmark n.

a skin blemish of mark present at birth.

bisexual adj.

describing an individual who es sexually attracted to both men and women.

bistoury n.

a narrow surgical knife with a straight or curved blade.

black eye

brusing of the eyelids.

bladder n.

a sac-shaped organ that has a wall of smoth muscle and stores the urine produced by the kidney.

blastema n.

any zone of embryonic tissue that is still differenting and growing into a particular organ.

blastula n.

an early stage of the embryonic development of many animals.

bleb n.

a blister or large vesicle.

bleomycin n.

an antibiotic with action againts cancer cells.

blepharitis n.

inflammation of the eyelids.

blepharoplasty n.

any operation to repair or reconstruct the eyelid.


the inability to see.

blister n.

a swelling containing watery fluid.

blood n.

afluid that circulates throughout the body

blood bank n.

the storage of the donors blood.

blood cell n.

any of the cels that are present in the blood in health or disease.

blood count n.

the number of different bloods cells in a known volume of blood usually expressed as the number of cells per litre.

blood donor n.

a personwho gives blood for storage in a blood bank.

blood pressure n.

the pressure of blood againts the walls of the main arteries.

blood sugar n.

the concentration of glucose in the blood normallyexpressed in millimoles per litre.

blood test n.

any test desiged to discover abnormalities in a sample of a persons blood.

blood vessels n.

a tube carrying blood away from towards the heart.

body n.

an entire animal organism.

body temperature n.

the temperature of the body as measured by athermometer.


a tender inflamed area of the skin containing to the skin.

bone n.

the hard extermely dense connective tissue that forms the skeleton of the body.

bone marrow n.

the tissue contained within the internal cavities of the bone.

borrelia n.

a genus of large parasitic spirochaete bacteria.

botulism n.

a serious of food poisoning from food containing the toxin produced by the bacterium.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

bowel n.

see intestine.

brachial adj.

relating to or affecting the arm.

brachialis n.

amuscle thatis situated at he front of the upper arm and contracs to flex the forearm.

brachium n.

the arm especially the part of the arm between the shoulder and the elbow.

bracket n.

the component of a fixed orthodontic appliance that is bonded to the tooth.

brain n.

the enlarged and highy developed mass of nervous tissuethat forms the upper end of the central nervous system.

brainstem n.

the enlarged extension upwards within the skull of the spinal cord consisting of the medula oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain.

breast n.

the mammary gland of a woman.

breast cancer n.

a magignant tumour of the breast usually a carcinoma rarely a sacoma.

breathing n.

the atlernation of active ofinhalation.

bregma n.

the point on thetop of the skull at which the coronal and sagittal suture meet.

bridge n.

a fixed replacement for missing teeth.

brimonidine n.

an alpha agonist.

bromism n.

a group of symptoms caused by excessive intake of bromides formerly widely used as sedatives.

bronchiole n.

a subdivision of the bronchial tree that does not contain cartilage or mocous glands in its wall.

bronchitis n.

inflammation of the bronchi.

bronchohony n.

see vocal resonance.

brochoscope n.

an instrument used to look into the trachea and bronchi.

bronchus n.

any of the air passages beyond the trachea.

bruit n.

a sharp or harsh systolic sound heard on auscultation, that is due to turbulent blood flowin a peripheral artery

buccinator n.

a muscle of the cheek that has its origins in the maxilla and mandible

bulbar adj.

relating to or affecting the medulla oblongata.

bundle n.

a group of muscle or nerves situated close together and running in he same direction.

bunion n.

a swelling of the joint between the great toe and the first metatarsal bone.

bupivacaine n.

a potent local anaesthetic used mainly for regional nerve block.

bur n.

a cutting drill that fits in a dentists handpiece.

burn n.

tissue damage caused by such agent as heat chemical electricity sunlight or nuclear radiation.

bursitis n.

inflammation of a bursa reulting from injury infection or rheumatoid synovitis.

bypass n.

asurgical procedure to divert the flow of blood or other fluid from one anatomical structure to another.

cabergoline n.

a dopaline receptor agonist.

cadium n.

a silvery metalic element that can causeseriouslung irritation if the fumes of the moltenmetal are inhaled.

caffeine n.

an alkaloid drug obtained from coffee and tea that has a stimulant action particularly on thecentral nervous system.

calcar n.

a spurlike projection.

calcium n.

a metalic element essential for the normal development and functioning of the body.

calibrator n.

an instrument used for measuring the size of a tube or opening.

calliper n.

an instrument with two prongs or jaws,used for measuring diameters.

callus n.

the composite mass of tissue that forms between bone ends when a fracture is healing

calor n.


calorimeter n.

any apparatus tomeasure theheat lost or gained during various chemical and physical changes.

camphor n.

a crystalline aromatic substance obtained from the tree cinnamomum camphora.

canal n.

a tubular channel or passage .

cancer n.

any malignant tmou, includingcarcinoma and sarcoma.

canine n.

the third tooth from themidline of each jaw.

cannula n.

a hollow tube designed for insertion into a body cavity such as the bladderora blood vessels.

cantholysis n.

a surgical procedure to divide the attachment of the canthus.


an extremely narrow blodvessel approximately 5-20 um in diameter.

capitulum n.

thesmall rounded end ofabone that articlates with nother bone.

capsule n.

a membrane sheath or other structure that encloses a tissue or organ.

captopril n.

a drug used in the treatment of heart failure and hypertension.

carbaryl n.

a drug administered in the form of a lotion or shampoo to kill head and public lice.

carbohydrate n.

any one of a large group of compounds including the sugar and starch that contain carbon.

carbuncle n.

a collection of boil with multiple drainage channels.

carcinoma n.

canceer that arises epithelium the tissue that lines the skin and internal organs of the body.

cardiac adj.

of relating to or affecting the heart.

cardiology n.

the science concerned with the study of the structure function and disease of the heart.

cardioplegia n.

a technique in which the heart is stopped by injecting it with solution of salts.

caries n.

decay and crumbling of the substance of a tooth.

cariology n.

the branch of dentistry concerned with the study of tooth decay.

carotene n.

a yellow or orange plant pigment.

carpal adj.

relating to the wrist.

carphology n.

plucking at the bedclothes by a delirious patient.

carpus n.

the eight bones of the wrist.

carteolol n.

a beta blocker used as eye drops in the treatment of glaucoma.

cartilage n.

a dense connective tissue composed of a matrix produced by cells called chondroblasts.

caruncle n.

a small red fleshy swelling.

casein n.

a milk protein.

cast n.

a rigid casing for a limb or other part of the body made of plastic ofr with open woven bandage impregnated with plaster of paris and applied while wet.

castration n.

removal of the sex glands.

catabolism n.

the chemical decomposition of complex substances by the body to form simpler ones.

catalase n.

an enzyme present in many cell.

catalyst n.

a substance that alters the rate of a chemical reaction but is itself uncharged at the end of the reaction.

catatonia n.

a state in which a person becomes mute or stuporous or adopts bizarre postures.

catheter n.

a flexible tube for insertion into a narrow opening so that fluids may be introduced or removed.

cation n.

an ion of positive charge such as a sodium ion.

cauda n.

a tail-like structure.

caustic n.

an agent such as silver nitrate that destroy tissue.

cauterize vb.

to destroy tissues by direct application of a heated instrument.

Monday, February 22, 2010

cavernosography n.

a radiological examination of the erectile tissue of the penis.

cavity n.

a hollow enclosed area.

cell n.

the basic unit of the living organisms which can reproduce itself exactly.

cell body n.

the enlarged portion of a neurone containing the nucleus.

cellulose n.

a carbohydrate consisting of linked glucose units.

cement n.

any of a group of materials used in densitry either as fillings or as lute for crowns

cementoma n.

a benign overgrowth of cementum.

censor n.

the mechanism postulated by freud that suppresses or modifies desires that are in appropriated or feared.

centre n.

a collection of neurones whose activities control a particular function.

centrifugal adj.

moving away from a cetre as from the brain to the peripherals tissue.

centriole n.

a small particle found in the cytoplasm of cells near the nucleus.

centromere n.

the part of a chromosome that joint the two chromatid.

centrum n.

the solid rod-shaped central portion of a vertebra.

cephalic adj.

of or relating to the head.

cephalin n.

one of a group of phospholipid that are constituent of cell membranes and are particularly abundant in the brain.

cephalogram n.

a special standardized x-ray picture that can be used to measure alternations in the growth of skull bones.

cercaria n.

the final larval stage of any parasitic trematode.

cerebellum n.

the largest part of the hindbrain bulging back behind the pons and the medulla ob longata and overhung by the occipital by the cererum.

cerebrum n.

the largest and most highly developed part of the brain composed of the two cebral hemispheres

cervical adj.

of or relating to the neck.

cervicitis n.

inflammation of the neck of the uterus.

cervix n.

a necklike part especially the cervix uteri.

chalazion n.

a swollen sebaceous gland in the eyelid.

chart n.

continuous perfractionated, heraphy.

cheilitis n.

inflammation of the lips.

chelosis n.

swollen cracked bright-red lips.

chelating agent

a chemical that forms complexes by binding metal ions.

chemodectoma n.

a former name for paraganglioma.

chemosis n.

swelling of conjunctiva.

chess n.

see thorax

chiasma n.

the point at which homologous chromosomes remain in contact after they have started separated in the division of meiosis.

chickenpox n.

a highly infectious disease caused by a herpesvirus.

chigger n.

see trombicula

childblains n.

dusky red itchy swellings that develop on the extremities in cold weather.

chiropody n.

the study and care of the foot including its structure, its disease and their treatment.

chloracne n.

an occupational acne-like skin disorder that occurs after regular contract with chlorinated hydrocarbons.

chlorine n.

an extremely pungent gaseous element with antiseptic and bleaching properties.

chloroform n.

a volatile liquid formerly widely used as a general unaesthetic.

chlorophyll n.

one of a group of green pigments found in all green plants and some bacteria that absorbs light to provide energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.

cholagogue n.

a drug that stimulates the flow of bile from the gall bladder and bile ducts into the duodenum.

cholangitis n.

inflammation of the bile ducts.

cholecystitis n.

inflammation of the gall bladder.

cholera n.

an acute infection of the small intestine by the bacterium.

choleretic n.

an agent that stimulates the secretion of bile by the liver thereby increasing the flow of bile.

choline n.

a basic compound important in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine.

chordee n.

acute angulation of the penis.

chorion n.

the embryonic membrane that totally surrounds the embryo from thee time of implantation.

choroid n.

the layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera.

choroiditis n.

inflammation of the choroid layer of the eye.

chromatolysis n.

the dispersal or disintegration of the microscopic structures within the nerve cells that normally produce proteins.

chronic adj.

describing a disease of long duration involving very slow changes.

chrysops n.

a genus of bloodsucking files commonly called deer flies.

chyme n.

the semi liquids acid mass that is the form in which food passes from the stomach to the small intestine.

cingulectomy n.

surgical excision of the cingulum the part of the brain concerned with anger and depression.

circadian adj.

denoting a biological rhythm or cycle of approximately 24 hours.

cisplatin n.

a heavy- metal compound.

citric acid

an organic acid found naturally in citrus fruits.

clasp n.

the part of a denture that keeps it in place.

clavus n.

a sharp pain in the head as if a nail were being driven in.

clearing n.

the process of removing the cloudiness from microscopical specimens after dehydration.

clemastine n.

an antihistamine used for the treatment of symptoms of hay fever and urticaria.

clinic n.

an establishment or department of a hospital devoted to the treatment of particular disease or the medical care of out patients.

clitoris n.

the female counterpart of the penis which contains erectile.

clivus n.

a surface that slopes as in part of the sphenoid bone.

clonic adj.

of relating to or resembling clonus.

clonus n.

rhythmical contraction of a muscle in response to a suddenly applied and then sustained stretch stimulus.

cluttering n.

an erratic unrhythmical way of speaking in rapid jerky bursts.

cobalt n.

a metallic element

cocaine n.

an alkaloid that is derived of the coca plants

coccus n.

any special bacterium.

cofactor n.

a non protein substance that must be present in suitable amount before ceratin enzyme can act.

cognitive n.

the mental processes by which knowledge is acquired.

cold n.

a widespread infectious virus disease causing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose.

colectomy n.

surgical removal of the colon.

colic n.

severe abdominal pain usually of fluctuating severity with waves of pain seconds or a few minutes apart.

collagen n.

a protein that is the principal constituent of white fibrous connective tissue.

colliculus n.

a small protuberance or swelling.

collodion n.

a syrupy solution of nitrocellulose in a mixture of alcohol and ether

coloboma n.

a defect in the development of the eye causing abnormalities ranging in severity from a notch in the lower part of the iris.

colony n.

a discrete population or mass of microorganism, usually bacteria.

colostomy n.

a surgical operation in which a part of the colon is brought through the abdominal wall and opened in order to drain or decompress the intestine.

columella an.

a part resembling s small column.

coma n.

a state of unrousable unconsiousness

Sunday, February 21, 2010

commissure n.

a bundle of nerve fibres that crosses the middle of the central nervous system.

compartment n.

any one of the spaces in a limb that are bounded by bone and thick sheets of fascia and enclose the muscles and other tissues of limb.

compensation n.

the act of making up for a functional or structure deficiency.

compomer n.

a dental filling material that is a hybrid of composite resin and glass ionomer

compress n.

a pad of material soaked in hot or cold water and applied to an ijured part of the body to relieve the pain of inflammation.

compulsion n.

an obsession that takes the form of a motor act such as repetitive washing based on a fear of contamination.

conceptus n.

the products of conception.

concretion n.

a stony mass formed within such within such an organ as the kidney especiaaly the coating of an internal organ with calcium salts.

condenser n.

an arrangement of lenses beneath the stage of a microscope.

condom n.

a sheath made of latex rubber plastic or silk that is fitted over the penis during sexual intercourse.

cone n.

one of the two types of light sensitive cells in the retina of the eye.

confabulation n.

the invention of circumstantial but fictitious detail about events supposed to have occurred in the past.

conflict n.

state produced when a stimulus produces two opposing reactions.

congenital adj.

describing a condition that is recognized at birth or that is believed to have been present since birth.

coning n.

prolpse of the brainstem through the foramen.

conjuctiva n.

the delicate mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside ofthe eyelids.

costrictor n.

any muscle that compress an organ or causes a hollow organ or part to contract.

consumption n.

any disease causing wasting tissue especially pulmonary tuberculosis

Friday, February 19, 2010

contraction n.

the shortening of a muscle in response to a motor nerve impulse.

contralateral adj.

on or affecting the opposite side of the body.

contrecoup n.

injury of a part resulting from a blow on its side.

convolution n.

a folding or twisting such as one of the many that cause the fissures sulci and gyri of the surface of the cerebrum.

cor n.


cordectomy n.

surgical removal of vocal cord or more usually a piece of the vocal cord.

cordotomy n.

a surgical produce for the relief of severe and persistent pain in the pelvis or lower limbs

cornea n.

the transparent circular part of the front of the eyeball.

coroner n.

the official who president at an inquest.

corpusle n.

any small particle cell or mass of tissue.

cortex n.

the outer part of an organ situated immediately beneath its capsule or outer membrane.

cortisol n.

a steroid hormone.

costal adj.

of or relating to the ribs.

costive adj.


coughing n.

a form of violent exhalation by which irritant particles in the airways can be expelled.

couvade n.

a custom in some tribes whereby a father takes to his bed during or after the birth of his child.

coxa n.

the hip bone.

cream n.

a preparation for use on the skin consisting of an emulsion of oil in water which may or may not contain medication.

creatine n.

a product of protein metabolism found in muscle.

crepitus n.

a crackling sound or grating feeling produced by bone rubbing on bone or roughened cartilage detected on movement of an arthritic joint.

crest n.

a ridge or linear protuberance particularly to the bone.

cretinism n.

a syndrome of dwarfism.

crown n.

the part of a tooth normally visible in the mouth and usually covered by enamel.

cubital adj.

relating to the elbow or forearm.

culicide n.

an agent that destroys mosquitoes or gnats.

culmen n.

an area of the upper surface of the cerebellum.

cuneus n.

a wedge shaped area of cerebral cortex that forms the inner surface of the occipitallobe

cupula n.

small dome shaped structure consisting of sensory hairs.

cupula n.

small dome shaped structure consisting of sensory hairs.

curettage n.

the scraping of the skin or the internal surface of an organ or blood cavity means of a spoon shaped instrument.

cusp n.

any of the cone shaped prominences on teeth especially the molar and premolars.

cuticle n.

the epidermis of the skin.

cyanosis n.

a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from an inadequate amount

cyclizine n.

a drug with antihistamine properties used to prevent and relieve nausea and vomiting in motion sickness.

cyesis n.


cysteine n.

a sulfur containing amino acid that is an important constituent of many enzymes.

cystine n.

amino acid.

cystitis n.

inflammation of the urinary bladder,

cystocopy n.

examination of the bladder by means of an instrument.

cystotomy n.

surgical incision into the urinal bladder,

cytochrome n.

a compound consisting of a protein linked to haem.

cytology n.

the study of the structure and function of cells.

cytometer n.

an instrument for determine the number of cells in a given quality of fluids.

cytoplasm n.

the jelly like substance that surrounds the nucleus cells.

cytosine n.

one of the nitrogen containing bases.

cytosome n.

the part of a cell that is outside the nucleus.

dacarbazinr n.

a drug administered by injection in the treatment of certain cancers.

dacryoadenitis n.

inflammation of the tear producing gland.

dacryocystitis n.

inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

dacryops n.

a watering eye.

dactinomycin n.

a cytotoxin drug used mainly to treat cancers in children.

dactylitis n.

inflammation of a finger or toe caused by bone infection as tuberculosis

dactylology n.

the representation of speech by finger movement.

daltonism n.


damp n.

any gas encountered underground other than air.

danazol n.

a synthetic progestogen that inhibits the secretion by the pituitary gland of gonadotrophins.

dandruff n.

visible scaling from the surface of the scalp.

dantrolene n.

a muscle relaxant drug used to relieve muscle spasm in such condition as cerebral palsy multiple sclerosis or spinal injury.

dantron n.

a stimulant laxative administered by mouth for treating constipation in terminally ill patients.

dapsone n.

a drug used to treat and dermatitis herpetiformis.

daunorubin n.

an anthracybicin antibiotic that interferes with DNA sysnthesis and is used in the treatment of acute leukaemia.

day blindness

comparatively good vision in poor light but poor vision in good illumination

deafness n.

partial or total loss of hearing in one or both ears.

deamination n.

a process occurring in the liver, that occurs during the metabolism of amino acids

death n.

absence of vital functions.

debridement n.

the process of cleaning open wound by removal of foreign material and dead tissue.

decalcification n.

loss or removal of calcium salts from a bone or tooth.

decapitation n.

removal of the head usually the head of a dead fetus to enable delivery to take place.

decay n.

the decomposition of organic matter due to microbial action.

decibel n.

one teeth of a bel

decidua n.

the modified mucous membrane that lines the wall of the uterus during pregnancy and is shed with the afterbirth at parturition.

declive n.

a area of the upper surface of the cerebellum.

decomposition n.

the gradual disintegration of dead organic matter usually foodstuff or tissue.

decubitus n.

the recumbent position.

decussation n.

a point at which two or more structures of the body cross to the opposite side.

defecation n.

a bowel movement in which faeces are evacuated through the rectum and anus.

deferent adj.

carrying away from or down from.

defibrillation n.

administration of a controlled electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest.

defibrination n.

the removal of fibrin one of the plasma proteins that causes coagulation from sample of blood.

deficiency disease .n

any disease caused by the lack of an essential nutrient in the diet.

degeneration n.

the deterioration and loss of specialized function of the cells of a tissue or organ.

dehiscence n.

a splitting open as of a surgical wound.

dehydration n.

loss or deficiency of water in body tissues.

deletion n.

a type of mutation involving the loss of DNA.

delirium n.

an acute disorder of the mental processes accompanying organic brain disease.

delivery n.


delle n.

a localized area of reduced corneal thickness usually at the limbus.

deltoid n.

a thick triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint.

delusion n.

an irrationally held belief that cannot be altered by rational argument.

demography n.

the study of populations on a national regional or local basis in terms of age sex and other variable,

demulcent n.

a soothing agent that protects the mucous membranes and relieves irritation.

denaturation n.

the changes in the physical and physiological properties of a protein that are brough about by heat.

dentrite n.

one of the shorter branching processes of the cell body of a neurone.

dengue n.

a disease caused by arboviruses and transmitted to human principally by the mosquitoes.

dens n.

a tooth or tooth shaped structure.

dental nerve n.

either of two nerves that supply the teeth.

dentate adj.

having teeth.

dentifire n.

a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth.