Respiratory system

The respiratory system's function is to allow gas exchange through all parts of the body. The space between the alveoli and the capillaries, the anatomy or structure of the exchange system, and the precise physiological uses of the exchanged gases vary depending on organism. In humans and other mammals, for example, the anatomical features of the respiratory system include airways, lungs, and the respiratory muscles. Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveolar region of the lungs.

Other animals, such as insects, have respiratory systems with very simple anatomical features, and in amphibians even the skin plays a vital role in gas exchange. Plants also have respiratory systems but the directionality of gas exchange can be opposite to that in animals. The respiratory system in plants also includes anatomical features such as holes on the undersides of leaves known as stomata.


The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract—a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus—and other organs that help the body break down and absorb food (see figure). Organs that make up the digestive tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine—also called the colon—rectum, and anus. Inside these hollow organs is a lining called the mucosa. In the mouth, stomach, and small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food. The digestive tract also contains a layer of smooth muscle that helps break down food and move it along the tract.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

innominate artery

a short artery originating as the fisrt large branch of the aotic arch.

inoculum n.

any material that is used for inoculation.

inositol n.

a compound similar to a hexose sugar.

inotopic adj.

affecting the contraction of heart muscle.

inquest n.

an official judicial enquiry into the cause of a persons death.

insect n.

a membrane of a large group of mainly land-dwelling arthropod.

insecticide n.

a preparation used to kill destructive or disease carrying insets.

insertion n.

the point of attachment of a muscle.

insight n.

knowledge of oneself.

insomia n.

inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep for an adequate length of time.

insuffflation n.

the act of blowing gas or a power such as a medication into a body cavity.

insula n.

an area of the cerebral cortex.

insult n.

an injury or physical trauma.

intergration n.

the bledding together of the nerve impulse.

intension n.

a process of healing.

intercellular adj.

situated or occuring between cells.

intercurrent adj.

going on at the same time.s

interleukin n.

any of a family of proteins that control some aspects of haemopoiesis and the immune response.

internode n.

the length of axon.

interphase n.

the period when a cell is not undergoing division.

intersex n.

an individual who shows anatomical characteristics sexes.

intertrigo n.

superficial inflammation of two skin surfaces that are in contact.

intestinal flora

bacteria normally present in the intestine tract.

intestine n.

the part of the alimentary canal.

intima n.

the inner layer of the wall of an artery or vein.

intoxication n.

the symtoms of poisoning due to ingestion of any toxic material,

intracameral adj.

withnin a chamber such as the anterior or posterior chamberof the eye.

intracellular adj.

situated or occuring inside a cell or cells.

intracranial adj.

with in the skull.

intradermal adj.

with in the skin . an intradermal injection is made into the skin.

intramuscular adj.

withnin a muscle .

intraocular adj.

of or relating to the area within the eyeball.

intrastromal adj.

within the stroma of the cornea.

intrathecal adj.

withnin the meniges of the spinal cord.

intravenous adj.

into or withn a vein.

intravitreal adj.

within the vitreous humour of the eye.

introitus n.

an entrance into a hollow organ or cavity.

intromission n.

the introduction of one organ or part into another.

intubation n.

the introduction of a tube into a part of the body for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.

intussusception n.

the telescoping of one part of the bowels into others.

inunction n.

the rubbing in with the finger of an oitment or liniment.

invagination n.

the infolding of the wall of a solid structure to form a cavity.

invasion n.

the spread of cancer into neigbouring normal srutures.

inversion n.

the turing inwards or inside out of a part of ogran.

invertebrate n.

an animal without a backbone.

involution n.

the shrinking of the womb to its nmormal size after childbirth.

iodine n.

an element required in small amount for healthy growth and development.

iodism n.

iodine poisonming.

ion n.

an atom or group of atoms that has lost one or more elections mahing it electrically charged and therefore more chemicallly active.

ionization n.

the process of producing ion.

ipecacuanha n.

a plant extract used in small doses,

ipsilateral adj.

on or affecting the same side of the body.

iridectomy n.

an operation on the eye in which a part of the iris is removed.

iridencleisis n.

an operation for glaucoma.

iridocyclitis n.

inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye.

iridodialysis n.

a tear caused by injury to the eye in the attachmenet of the iris to the ciliary body.

iridotomy n.

an operation on the eye in which an incision is made in the iris using a knife or a YAG laser.

iris n.

the part of the eye that regulates the amount of light that enters.

iris bombe

an abnormal condition of the eye in whnich the iris bugles forward towards the cornea.

iron n.

an element essential to life.

irradiation n.

exposure of the body tissue to ionizing radiation.

irreducible adj.

unable to be replaced in a normal position.

irritability n.

the property of certain kind of tissue that enables them to responds in a specific way outside stimuli.

irritant n.

any material that cause irritation of a tissue, ranging from nettles to tear gas.

ischaemia n.

an inadequate flow of blood to a part of the body, caused by constriction or blockage of the blood vessels supplying.

ischium n.

a bone forming the lower part of each side of the hip bone.

island n.

am area of tissue or group of cells clearly differentiated from sorrounding tissue.

islet n.

a small group of cells that is structurally distinct from the cells surrounding it.

isoagglutinin n.

one of the antibodies occuring naturally in the plasma that cause agglutination.

isoenzyme n.

a physically distinct form of a given enzyme.

isolation n.

the separation of a person with an infectious disease from noninfected people.

isometheptene n.

a sympathomimetic drug used in the treatment of migraine.

isoniazid n.

a drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

isoprenaline n.

a sympathomimetic drug taht stimulates the heart and is used to treat some heart condition involving reduced the heart activity.

isotonic adj.

describing solution that have the same osmotic pressure.

isotope n.

any one of the different forms of an elements number of protons in the nucleus and thus the same atomic number bbut different neutrons.

Friday, January 29, 2010

isotretinoin n.

a drug related to vitammin A.

itch n.

discomfort or irritation of the skin, prompting the sufferer to scratch or rub the effected rub.

itraconazole n.

an antifungal drug that is administered by mouth or ibtravenous infusion to treat a wide variety of fungal infection.

ivermectin n.

a drug used in the treatment of onchocerciasis.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

ixodes n.

a genus of widely distributed parasitic ticks.

ixodiasis n.

any disease caused by the presence of tick.

ixodidae n.

a family of tick.

jactition n.

restless tossing and turning of a person suffering from a severe disease.

jaundice n.

a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, indicating excess bilirubin in the blood.

jaw n.

either the maxilla or the mandible.

jejunectomy n.

surgical removal of jejunum or part of the jejunum.

jejunotomy n.

a surgical incision into the jejunum in order to inspect the interior or remove something from within it.

jerk n.

the sudden construction of a muscle in response to a nerve impulse.

joint n.

the point at which two or more bones are connected.

jugular adj.

relating to or supplying the neck or throat.

jugular vein

any one of several veins in the neck.

jugum n.

a ridge or furrow that connects two parts of a bone.

junction n.

the point at which two different tissues or structure are in contract.

kahn reaction

a test for syphilis in which antibodies specific to of the disease are detected in a sample of the patients blood by means of a precipitin reaction.

kallidin n.

a naturally occurring polypeptide consisting of ten amino acids.

karyokinesis n.

division of the nucleus of a cell during cell division of the cytoplasm.

karyosome n.

the densemass of chromatin found in the cell nucleus which is composed mainly chromosomes.

keloid n.

an overgrowth of fibrous scar tissue following trauma to the skin.

keratinization n.

the process by which cells become horny due to the deposition of keratin within them.

keratitis n.

inflammation of the cornea of the eye.

keratocele n.

outward bulging of the base of a deep ulcer of the cornea.

keratometer n.

an instrument for measuring the radius of curature of the cornea.

keratopathy n.

any disorder relating to the cornea.

keratosis n.

a horny overgrowth of the skin.

keratotomy n.

an incision into the cornea.

kerion n.

an uncommon and serve form of ring worm.

ketamine n.

a drug used to produced anaesthesia mainly in children.

ketoacidosis n.

a condition in which acidsis is accomplished by ketosis.

ketosenesis n.

the production of ketone bodies.

ketonemia n.

the presence in the blood of ketone bodies.

ketonuria n.

the present in the urine of ketone bodies.

ketose n.

a simple sugar that teminates with a keto group.

ketosis n.

raised levels of ketone bodies in the body tissues.

khat n.

the leaves of the shub catha edulis.

kidney n.

either of he pair of organs responsible for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, principally urea from the blood.

kilogram n.

the SI of mass equal to 1000 grams and defined in terms of the international prototype.

kinase n.

an agent that can convert the inactive form of an enzyme.

kenematics n.

the study of motion and the forces required to produce it.

kini n.

one group of naturally occuring polypeptides that are powerful vasodilator.

kleptomania n.

a pathologically strong impulse to steal often in the absence of any desire for the stolen object.

knee n.

the hinge joint

knock knee n.

abnormal in curving of the legs resulting in a gap between the feet when the knees are in contract.

kocher manmoeuvre

a method for reduction of a dislocated shoulder by manipulation.

koro n.

a state of acute anxiety seen especially in certain cultures

kraurosis n.

shinking of a body part usually the vulva in elderly woman.

kupffer cells

phagocytic cells that line the sinusoids of liver.

kveim test

a test used for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

kymograph n.

an instrument for recording the flow and varying pressure of the blood within the blood vessels.

kyophos n.

a sharply localized anterior angulation of the spine.

labelling index

the proportion of cell in a sample of tissue that are producing DNA.

labetalol n.

a combined alpha and beta blocking drug sometimes found to be more effective n the treatment of high blood pressure than beta blockers.

labial adj.

relating to the lips or to a labium.

labiomancy n.

lip reading

labium n.

a lip shaped structure especially either of two pairs of skin folds that enclose the vulva.

labour n.

the sequence of action by which a baby and the afterbirth are expelled from the uterus at childbirth.

labyrinth n.

a convoluted system of cavity and ducts comprising the organs of hearing and balance.

lacertion n.

a tear in the flesh producing a wound with irregular edges.

lacertus n.

a band of fibres or atendon like structure.

lacrimation n.

an agent that irritates the eyes causing exessive secretion of tears.

lactation n.

the secretion of milk by the mammary gland of the breasts.

lactic acid

a compound that forms in the cells as the end product of glucose metabolism in the absence of oxygen.

lactiferous adj.

transporting or secreting milk as the lactiferous duct of the breast.

lactose n.

a sugar consisting of one molecule of glocose and one of galactose found in the milk.

lacuna n.

a small cavity or depression.

lallation n.

unintelligible speech like babbling as heard from infants.

lamina n.

a thin membrane or layer of tissue.

lancet n.

a broad two edged surgical knife with a sharp point.

lanreotide n.

a somatostatin analogue.

laparotomy n.

a surgical incision into the abdominal cavity.

larva n.

the preadult or immature stage hatching from the egg of some animal group.

laryngology n.

the study of disease of the larynx and vocal folds.

laryngomalacia n.

a condition characterized by paroxysmal attacks of breathing difficulty and stridor.

laryngospasm n.

involuntary closure of the larynx obstructing the low of airto the lungs.

laser n.

a device that produces a very thin beam of light in which high energies are concentrated.

lateral adj.

situated at or relating to the side of an organ or organism.

laudanum n.

a hydroalcoholic solution containing 1 % morphine preapared from macerated raw opium.

lavage n.

washing out a body cavity such as the colon or stomach with water or a medicated solution.

laxative n.

a drug used to stimulate or increase the frequency of bowel evacuation.

lecithin n.

one of a group of prospholipid

leech n.

a type of worm that possesses suckers at both ends of its body.

lensmeter n.

an instrument used to measure the refractive properties of an artificial lens such as a spectacle lens.

lepra reaction

an aggravation of lumps on the skin caused by leprosy accompanied by fever and malaise.

leproma n.

a lump on the skin characteristic of leprosy.

leprosy n.

a chonic disease caused by the bacterium.

leptin n.

a protein producedd by white fat cells in adipose tissue.

leptomeninges n.

the inner two meninges:the arachnoid and piamater.

leptospira n.

a genus od spirochaete bacteria commonly bearing hooked ends.

;eptospirosis n.

an infection disease caused by bacteria of the genus.

leresis n.

rambing speech.

lesion n.

a zone of tissue with impaired function as result of damage by disease or wounding.

lethargy n.

mental and physical sluggishness.

leucine n.

an essential amino acid.

leucocidin n.

a bacterial exxotoxin that selectively destroys white blood cells

leucocytosis n.

an increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood.

leucoderma n.

loss of pigment in areas of the skinresulting in the appearance of white patches or bands.

leucopenia n.

a reduction in the number of white blood cells in the blood.

lecotomy n.

th surgical operation of interrupting the pathways of white nerve fibers within the brain.

levator n.

a surgical instrumment used for levering up displaced bone fragments in a depressed frature of the skull.

levodopa n.

a naturally occuring amino acid administered by mouth to treat parkinsonism.

levomepromazine n.

a phenothiazine antipsychotic drug used in the treatment of schizophrenia and to relieve tension,

leydig tumour

a tumour of the interstitial cells of the testis.

libido n.

the sexual drive term is often used to refer to the intensity of sexual desires.

lichen planus

an extremely itchy skin diseaseof unknown cause.

lidocaine n.

a widely used local anaesthetic.

ligament n.

a tough band of white fibrous connective tissue that links two bones together at a joint.

ligation n.

the application of a ligature.

ligature n.

any material for example nylon silk catgut is tied firmly round a blood vessels to stop it bleeding or round the base of structure.

limbic system

a complex system of nerve pathways and networks in the brain.

limen n.

a border or boundary.

liminal adj

relating to the threshold of perception.

limosis n.

abnormal hunger or an excessive desire for food.

linctus n.

a syrupy liquid medicin particularly one used in the treatment of irritating coughs.

linea n.

a line narrow streak or stripe.

liniment n.

a medical preparation that is rubbed onto the skin or applied on a surgical dressing.

lining n.

a protective layer placed in a prepared tooth cavity before a restoration is inserted.

lint n.

a material used in surgical dressings.

lipaemia n.

the presence in the blood of an abnmormally large amount of fat.

lipidosis n.

any disorder of lipid metabolism within the cells of the body.

lipoatrophy n.

an immune reaction to insulin injections close to the site of injection resulting in localized hollowing of fat tissue wich is nsightly.

lipodystrophy n.

any condition resulting in the loss of fat or all of the body.

lipoic acid

a sulphur contaioning compound that can be readily interconverted to and from its reduced dihydrolipoic acid.

lipolysis n.

the process by which lipids.

lipomatosis n.

the presence of an abnormally large amount of fat occuring in the tissue.

lipoprotien n.

one of a group of compounds found in blood plasma and lymph, each consisting of a protein.

liposome n.

a microscopic spherical membrane-enclosed vesicle or sac made artifically in the laboratory by the addition of an aqueous solution to phospholipid gel.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

lipotropic adj.

describing a substance that promotes the transport of fatty acids from the liver to the tissue or accelerates the utilization of fat in the liver itself.

lipping n.

overgrowth of bone as seen in x-rays near a joint margin

lipuria n.

the presence of fat or oil droplets in the urine.

liquor n.

any solution usually an aquesous solution.

lissencephaly n.

a condition in which the brain develops abnmormally -it has no grooves on the outside large ventricle, and generaly is smaller than it should be.

listeria n.

a genus of gram positive aerobic motile rodlike bacteria that are parasites of warm blooded animals.

lithiasis n.

formation of stones.

lithium n.

a drug given by mouth to prevent episodes of manic depressive psychosis or to treat mania.

lithonephrotomy n.

surgical removal of a stone from the kidney .

lithopaedion n.

a fetus that has died in the uterus or abdominal cavity and has become calcified.

lithotomy n.

the surgical removal of a stone from the urinary tract.

lithotripsy n.

the destruction of calculi by the application of the shock waves

lithotrite n.

a surgical instrument used for crushing a stone in the bladder.

lithuresis n.

the passage of small stones or gravel in the urine.

litre n.

a unit of volume equal to the volume occupied by 1 kilogram of pure water.

little's area

the anterior region of the nasal septum.

livedo n.

a discoloured area or spot on the skin often caused by local congestion of the cirulation.

liver n.

the largest gland of the body weighing 1200-1600 g.

livid adj.

denoting a bluish colour of the skin such as that produced locally by a bruise or of the general complexion in cyanosis.

lobe n.

a major division of an organ or part of an organ especially one having a rouded form and often separated from other lobes by fissures or bands of connective tissue.

lobectomy n.

thesurgcal removal of a lobe of an organ or gland such as the lung thyroid or brain.

lobule n.

a subdivision of a part or organ that can be distinguished from the whole by boundaries such as septa that are visible with or without a microscope.

lochia n.

the material eliminated from the uterus through the vagina after completion or labour.

locus n.

a small space or cavity.

locum tenes

in doctor who stands in temporarily for a colleague who is absent or ill and looks after the patients in his practice.

locus n.

a region or site.

logopaedics n.

the specific study of defects and disabilities of speech and of the methods used to treat them.

logorrhoea n.

a rapid flow of voluble speech often with incoherence such as is encounter in mania.

loiasis n.

a disease occuring in west and central africa caused by the eye worm loa.

loin n.

the region of the back and side of the body between the lowest rib and the pelvis.

loop n.

a bend in a tubular organ in akidney tubule.

loperamide n.

a drug used in the treatment of diarrhoea.

lorazepam n.

a benzodiazepines used to relieve moderate or severe anxiety and tensio and to treatinsomia.

lordosis n.

inward curvature of the spine.

lotion n.

a medical solution for washing or bathing the external part of the body.

loupe n.

a small magnifying hand lens used for examinming the front part of the eye usually with a pocket torch to provide ilumunation.

louse n.

a small wingless insect that is an external parassite of humans.

lozenge n.

a medicated tablet containming sugar.

lucis interval

temporary recovery of conciousness after a blow to the head before relapse into coma.

lues n.

a serious infection disease such as syphilis.

lumbar adj.

relating to the loin.

lumbar traingle

a weak area in the abdomen bounded by the iliac crest,the external oblique muscle, and the erector spinae muscle.

lumbar vertebrae

the five bones of the back bone

lumbosacral adj.

relating to part of the spine composed of the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum.

lumen n.

the space within a tubular or sac like part such as a blood vessels the intestine or the stomach.

lumpectomy n.

an operation for breast cancer in which the tumour and surrounding breast tissue are rem,oved.

lunat ebone

a bone of the wrist.

lung n.

one of pair of organs of respiration situated in the chest cavity on either side of the heart and enclose by a serous membrane.

lung cancer

cancer arising in the epithelium of the air passages or lung.

lupus n.

any of several chronic skin disase.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

lutein n.

the yellow pigment of the corpus luteum.

lyase n.

one of a group of enzyme that catalyse the linking of groups by double bonds.

lymphatic n.

a lymphatic vessel.

lymphopoiesis n.

the process of the production of lymphocyte.

lysine n.

an essential amino acid .

lysosome n.

a particle in the cytoplasm of cells that contains enzymes responsible for breaking down substance in the cell and is bounded by a single membrane.

maceration n.

the softening of a solid leaving it immersed in a liquid.

macrocephaly n.

abnormal largeness of the head in relation to the rest of the body.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

macrogamete n.

the nonmotile female sex cell of the malarial parasite.

macromelia n.

abnormally large size of the arms of legs.

maculopapular adj.

describing a rash that consist of both macule and papule

madurella n.

a genus of widely distruted fungi.

magnesium n.

a metallic element essential to life.

malaria n

an infection disease due to the presence of parasitic protozoa of the genus plasmodium.

malleus n.

a hammer -shaped bone in the middle ear that articulates with the incusand is attached to the eardrum.

malnutrition n.

the condition caused by an improper balance between what an individual eats and what he requires to maintain health.

malposition n.

an abnormal position of the fetal head when this is the presenting part in labour.

malpresentation n.

the condition in which the presenting part of the fetus

maltase n.

an enzyme present in saliva and juice that converts maltose into glucose during digestion.

mamary gland

the milk producing gland of female mammals.

mammography n.

x-ray examination of the female breast.

mammotheramography n.

the technique of exxamining the breasts for the presence of abnormalities by thermography.

mancinism n.

the codition of being left handed.

manganese n.

a greyish metalic element.

manipulation n.

the use of the hands to produce a desired movement or therapeutic effect in part of the boby.

manometer n.

a device for measuring pressure in a lequids or gas.

mantle adj.

in radiotherapy.

maprotiline n.

a drug used to treat all types of depression including that associated with anxiety.

massage n.

manipulation of the soft tissue of the body with the hands.

mastoid n.

the mastroid process of the temporal bone.

masturbation n.

physical self stimulation of the male of female external genital organs in order to produce sexual pleasure.

maxwell n.

a unit of magnetic flux equal to a flux of 1 gauss per square centimeter.

measles n.

a highly infectious virus disease that tends to appear in epidemmics.

medical adj.

of or relating to medicine ,

medicine n.

the science of practice of the diagnosis treatment and preventon of disease.

megaloblast n.

an abnormal form of any of the cells that are precursors of red blood cells.

megestrol n.

a synthetic female sex hormone.

melaena n.

blacktarry faeces due to the presence of partly digested blood from higher up the degistive tract.

melanin n.

a dark brown to black pigment occuring in the hair. the skin and the iris.

melanocyte n.

any one of the cells concentrated within the epidermis of skin.

melomelus n.

a fetus with one or more pairs of supernumery limbs.

membrane n.

a thin layer of tissue surrounding the whole or part of an organ or tissue lining a cavity .

membrane bone

a bone that develops in connective tissue by direct ossification

menarche n.

the start of the menstrual periods and other physical changes associated with puberty.

mendelism n.

the theory of inheritance based on mendels laws.

meningism n.

suffness of the neck that is found in meningitis.

menopause n.

the tome in a woman life when the ovaries cease to produce an egg cell every four weeks,

menses n.

the blood and other materials discharged from the uterus at menstruation.

menstruration n.

the discharge of blood and of fragment of endometrium.

mentum n.

the chen.

meprobamate n.

a drug used to relieve anxiety and nervous tebsion.

mercury n.

a silvery metalic element that is liquid at room temperature.

merozoite n.

a stage in the life cycle of the malaria parasite.

mesaortitis n.

inflammation of the middle layer of the wall of the aorta,

mesial adj.

relating to or situated in the median line or plane.

mesna n.

a drug administered intravenously by injection or refusion to prevent the toxic effect of ifosfamide.

mesomorphic adj

describing a body type that has a well developed skeletal and muscular structure and a study upright posture.

metabolism n.

the sum of the all chemical and physical changes that take place within the body and enable its continued growth and functioning.

metacercaria n.

a mature form of the cercaria larva of a fluke.

metaplasia n.

an abnormal change in the nature of a tissue.

metatarsal adj.

relating to the bones of the foot.

metatarsus n.

the five bnones of the foot that connect the tarsus to the phalanges.

methenamine n.

an antiseptic with a wide range of antibacterial activity, used to treat infections and inflammation.

methotrexate n.

a drug that interferes with cell growth and is used to treat various types of cancer,

methylene blue

a blue dye used to stain bacteria cells for microscopic examination.

metoprolol n.

a drug that controls the activity of the heart.

metyrapone n.

a drug that interfees with the production of the hormones.

microbiology n.

the science of microorganism.

microcytosis n.

the presence of abnormally small red cells.

micrograph n.

a photograph of an object as viewed through a microscope.

micrometre n.

one million of a metre.

microscope n.

an instrument for producing a greatly magnified image og an object which may be so small as to be invisible to the naked eye.

microtome n.

an instrument for cutting extremely thin slices of material that can be examined under a microscope.

midwifery n.

the profession of providing assistance and medical care to woman undergooing labour and childbirth.

migraine n.

a condation resulting from spams and subsequent overdilatation of certain arteries in the brain.

milk n.

the liquid food secreted by female mammals from the mammary gland.

miligram n.

one thousandth of a gram,symbol mg.

minim n.

a unit of volume used in pharmacy equivalent to one sixtient part of a fluid.

minocycline n.

a tetracycline antibiotic active against a wide range of bacteria and against rickettsial infection.

miotic n.

a drug that cause the pupil of the eye to contract.

misophonia n.

dislike or aversion to soound.

mitogen n.

any substance that can cause cells to begin division.

mitotic index

the proportion of cells in a tissue that are dividing at a given time.

molar n.

in the permanent dentation,

monochromatic adj.

denoting radiation eapecially light of the same frequency or wavelength.

mononeuritis n.

disease affecting a single peripheral nerve.

monophobia n.

an extreme fear of being alone.

monosomy n.

a condition in which there is one chromosome missing from the normal set.

morbidity n.

the state of being diseased.

morbus n.

disease .the term is usually used as part of the medical name of a specific disease.

moribund adj.


morphoea n.

a localized form of scleroderma.


form or structure .

morula n.

an early stage of embryonic development formed by cleavage of the fertilized ovum.

mosquito n.

a small winged bloodsucking insect belongingto a large group.

motile adj.

being able to move spontaneously without external aid usually applied to a microorganism or a cell.

motor nerve

one of the nerves that carry impulse outwards from the central nervous system to bring about activity in a muscle or gland.

mould n.

any multicellular filamentous fungus that commonly forms a rough furry coating on decaying matter.

mouthwash n.

an aqueous solution with antiseptic astrigent or deodorizing properties used for rinsing of the mouth and teeth.

mucilage n.

a thick aqueous solution of a gum used as a lubricantin skin preparation.

mucolytic n.

an agent such as carbocistine or dornase alfa that dissolves or breaks down mucus.

mucor n.

a genous of mould fungi commonly seen on dead and decaying organic matter.

mucus n.

a viscous fluids secreted by mucous membrane.

multipara n.

a woman who has given birth to a live child after each of at least twopregnancies.

multisystem adj.

describing a disease that affects many systems of the body.

mumps n.

a common virus infection mainly affecting school age children.

murmur n.

a noise heard with the aid of a stethoscope that is generated by turbulent blood flow within the heart of blood vessels.

muscle n.

a tissue whose cells have the ability to contract producing movement or force.

muscle relaxant

an agent that reduced tension in voluntary muscles.

mushroom n.

the aerial fruiting body of various fungi.

mutant n.

an individual in which mutation has occured especially when the effect of the mutation is visible.

mutation n.

a change in the generic material of a cell.

mutism n.

inability or refused to speak dumbness.

myalgia n.

pain in the muscles.

mycelium n.

the tanged mass of fine branching threads that makeup the feeding and growing part of a fungus

mycology n.

the science of fungi .

mydriasis n.

wideningof the pupil which occurs normally in dim light.

mydriatic n.

a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate.

myelin n.

a complex material formed of potein and phospholipid.

mylination n.

theprocess in which myelin.

myeloid adj.

like derived from or relating to bone marrow.

myeloma n.

a malignanat diseasse of the bone marrow

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

myiasis n.

an infestation of a living organ or tissue by maggots.

myocyte n.

a muscle cell

mydynia n.

pain in the muscles.

myogram n.

a recording of the activity of a muscle.

myograph n.

an instrument for recording the activity of muscular tissue.

myology n.

the study of the structure, function and disease of the muscles.

myoma n.

a benign tumour of muscle. it may originate in smooth muscle.

myometritis n.

inflammation of the muscular wall of the uterus.

myopathy n.

any disease of the mmuscles.

myositis n.

any of a group of muscle disease in which inflammationand degenerative changes occur.

mytome n.

that part of the segmented mesoderm in the early embryo that gives rise to all the skeletal muscle of the body.

myotomy n.

the dissection or surgical division of a muscle.

myotonic adj.

relating to muscle tone.

myringa n.

the eardrum

myxoedema n.

a dry firm waxy swelling of the skin and subscutaneous tissue found in patients with underactive thyroid glands.

myxoid cyst

a small cyst containing a thick fluids.

myxoma n.

a benign gelatinous tumour of connective tissue.

nabilone n.

a drug related to cannabis used to control severe nausea and vomiting caused by anticancer drugs, when this has nmot responded to other antiemetics.

naevus n.

a birth mark a clearly defined malformation of the skin,presents birth.

nail n.

a horny structure composed of keratin formed rom the epidermis on the dorsal surface of each finger and toe.

nanometer n.

one thousand million of a metre ,one nanmometre to 10 angstrom.

napkin rash

a red napkin rash within the napkin area usually caused by chemical irritation.

naproxen n.

an analgesic drug that also reduces inflammationmand fever.

narcotic n.

a drug that includes stupor and insensibility and relieves pain.

nasal bone

either of a pair of narrow oblong bones that together from the bridge and root of the nose.

nasal cavity

the space inside the nose that lies between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth.

nasogastric tube

a tube passed through th nose into the stomach, used to asire fluid from or introducce material into the stomach.

nasolacrimal adj.

relating to the nose and the lacrimal apparatus.

nates n.

the buttocks.

nebula n.

a faint opacity of the cornea that remains after an ulcer has healed.

nebulizer n.

an instrument used for applying a liquid in the form of a fine spray.

necrology n.

the study of the phenomena of death,

necromania n.

morbid desire for a dead body or bodies.

neologism n.

the invention of words to which meaning are attached.

neonate n.

an infant at any time during the first 28 dats of life.

nephrostomy n.

drainage of urine from the kidney by tube passing through the kidney via the skin surface.

nephrotomy n.

surgcal incision into the substance of the kidney.

nerve n.

a bundle of conducting nerve fibre that transmit impulse from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles and glands.

nerve block

a method of procing anaesthesia.

nerve cell

see neurone

nerve ending

the final part of one of branches of a nerve fibre.

nerve fibre

the long fine process that extends from the cell body of a neurone and carries nerve impulse.

nervous system

the vast network of cells specialized to carry information and from all parts of the body in order to bring about bodily activity.

neural tube

the embryological structure from which the brin and spinal cord develops.

neuritis n.

a disease of the peripherals nerves showing the pathological changes of inflammation.

neuroblast n.

any of the nerve cells of the embroyo that give rise function nerve cells.

neurofibril n.

one of the microscopic threads of cytoplasm found in the cell body of a neurone.

neurogenesis n.

the growth and development of nerve cells.

neurohormone n.

a hormone that is produced within specialized nerve cells and is secreted from the nerve endings into the circulation.

neurology n.

the study of the structure functioning and disease of the nervous system.

neuroma n.

any tum,our derived from cells of the nervous system.

neurone n.

one of the basic function units of the nervous system.

neuropathy n.

any disease of the peripheral nerves usally causing weakness and numbness.

neuropil n.

nerve tissue that is visible microscopically as a mass of interconnected nerve endings.

neurosecretion n.

any substance produced within and secreted by a nerve cell.

neorosis n.

any long term mental or behavioural disorder in which contract with reality is retained and the condition is recognized by the sufferer as abnormal.

neusurgery n.

the surgical or operative treatment of disease of the brain and spinal cord.

neurosyphilis n.

syphilis affecting the nervous system.

neurotomy n.

the surgical procedure of sering a nerve.

neurotoxic adj

poisonous or harmful to nerve cells.

neurotrophic adj.

relating to the growth and nutrition of neural tissue in the body.

neutrophil n.

a variety of granulocyte.

nexus n.

connection or link.

nicotine n.

a poisonous alkaloid derived from tobacco.

nidus n.

a place in which bacteria have settles and multiplied because of particularly suitable condition.

night blindness

the inability to see in dimlight or at night.

night sweat

copious sweating during sleep.

night terror

the condition in which a child,soon after falling asleep starts screaming and appears terrified.

nile blue

an oxazine chloride used fore staining lipids and lipid pigments.

nipple n.

the protuberance a the centre of the breast.

nitrates n.

a class of drugs used as coronary vasodilator.

nitric oxide

an important member of the group of gaseous mediators,

nitrofurantion n.

a drug used to treat bacterial infections of the urinary system.

nitrogen n.

a gaseous element and a major constituent of air.

nitrous oxide

a colourless gas used as an anaesthetic.

nociceptive adj.

describing nerve fibres or pathways that are concernedwith the condition of pain.

nocturia n.

the passage of urine at night.

nodule n.

a mall swelling or aggregation of cells.

noma n.

a gangrenous infection of the mouth that spreads to involve the face.

nondisjuction n.

a condition in which pair of hormonlogoous chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis or a chromosome fails to divide at anaphase.

norfloxacin n.

a guinolone antibiotic used for treating urinary-tract infection.

nmorma n.

a veiw of the skull from one of several positions from which it can be described or measure.

normotensive adj.

describing the state in which the arteial blood pressure is within the normal range.

nose n.

the organ of olfaction which also acts as an air passage thaat warms moisten and filters the air on its way to the lungs.

nosology n.

the naming and classifacation of diseases.

notch n.

an indentation especially one in a bone.

nucha n.

the nape of the neck.

nuclelase n.

an enzyme that catalyze the breakdown of nucleic acids by cleaving the bonds between adjacent nucleotides.

Monday, January 18, 2010

nucleic acid

either of two organic acids DNA or RNA,

nuceolus n.

a dense spherical structure within the cell nucleus that disappears during cell division.

nucleoside n.

a compound consisting of a nitrogen containing base linked to a sugar.

nucleus n.

the part of the cell that contains the generic material.

nude mouse

a mouse born without a thymus and therefore no T- lymphocytes.

nurse n.

a person trained and experience in nursing mattersand entrusted with the care of the sickand the carrying out of medical and surgical routines.

nutation n.

the art of nodding the head.

nutrient n.

a substance that must be consumed as part of the diet to providea source of energy material for growth or substances that regulategrowth or energy production.

nutrition n.

thes tudy of food in relation to the physiological processes that depend on its absorption by the body.

nux vomica

the seed of the tree.

nyctohemeral adj.

denoting a cyclical event occuring both in day and the night.

nyctophilia n.

an intense preference for the darkness for an avoidance of activity in daylight hours.

nymph n.

an immature stage in the life story of certain insects, such as grasshopper.

nymphomania n.

an extreme degree of sexual promiscuity in a woman.

nystalin n.

an antifungal drug used especially to treat yeast infection, such as candidosis.

oat cell

a cell type of carcinoma of the bronchus.

obesity n.

the condition in whichexcess fat has accumulated in the body.

obligate adj.

describing an organism that is restricted oto one particular way of life.

obtusion n.

the weakening or bunting of normal sensation.

occipital bone

a saucer shaped bone of the skull.

occiput n.

the back of the head.

occult adj

not apparent to the naked eye.

oculonasal adj.

concerned with the eye and nose.

odontology n.

the study of the teeth.

odynophagia n.

a sensation of pain behind the sternum as food or fluid is swallowed.

oestriol n.

one of the female sex hormones produced by the ovary.

oitment n.

a greasy preperation which may or may not cantain medication for use on skin or mucous membranes.

oocyst n.

a spherical structure 50-60 um in diameter thatdevelops from the zygote.

operant adj.

describing a unit of behaviour that is defined by its effect on the environment.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

opthalmology n.

the operation of making an incision in the eyeball.

opiate n.

strictly one of a group of drugs derived from opium.

opium n.

an extract from the poppy.

optic atrophy

degeneration of the optic nerve.

optic dics

the start of the optic nerve where nerve fibres from the rods and coned leaves the eyeball.